Friday, March 9, 2007

Another lil' Toot!!

I know it isn't that big of a deal, but it's always nice to have your work featured! My LO "My Little Angel" is featured in the March newsletter over at TSS (The Scrapbook Site). I had used one of their awesome kits (February Kit #2 Mulberry Rd.) to make it and I love how it turned out...I had a blast working with that kit! I posted it in one of my earlier posts, but I'll post it again so you won't have to search for it! The papers and embellishments in this kit were just perfect for this picture and how I wanted to showcase it! Anyways, thanks for letting me share! Like I said, it's always nice to have your work showcased!

1 comment:

Jenn Breault said...

Congrats! This kit was SO AWESOME to created with...looks like you had some fun with it!