Monday, March 5, 2007

Yes, some more roladex cards!

I was able to get 4 more roladex cards done today (sorry the color is off in the picture)! I basically have to finish up the rest of our birthdays. But I have also decided to do some extended family cards, but I won't make a card for each person. I'll just make one for each month and than list who has a birthday/anniversary that month and what day, etc... (I was thinking of doing a card that is similiar to the Easter Card shown in my previous post!) If I had to do one for everybody that would be alot of cards and I don't think my little roladex would fit them all in! I also want to do a St. Patrick's Day card. It will probably be similiar to the Valentine card, but the colors would be different and I want to put a shamrock in to replace the heart. So I need to go get the papers I need for that and also some green seed beads to go around the shamrock. To do the rest of the birthdays I need to print out some more "Happy Birthday" tags. I used up all my tags and titles that had already been printed out for me in the now I have to do it myself! :) I left the "back to school" tag blank on my card, since I need to figure out when the kids will be going back to school first. But I figured I might as well get the card made and I can always add the date in later! And the turkey on the Thanksgiving card lifts up with a reminder underneath to defrost your turkey, always important!! So anyways my roladex is starting to come along and is getting closer to being done!


Jenn Breault said...

This is really awesome!!! Lots of work I am sure...but so worth it!

Anonymous said...

love this - going to do this one of these days : )